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04th May 2024 

Whispering Angels have words of Wisdom to share

Blessings Dear Ones
We have come today to share with you our Blessings, our Love and our Grace. We see your anguish when life becomes a chore instead of the Joy it was and is destined to be.
Take time my beloveds and sit quietly to contemplate the Love in your life, the beauty of nature, the wisdom of the trees. Sit beneath a tree and feel the love that emanates from the tree to all life. That my beloveds, is your work too.
Come now, take a moment and settle. Believe in Peace, believe in Grace in this moment for there is no other at this time. Your blessings come easily when you know the love of Source. For Source is Love of all creation, the giver and receiver of all good.
Love with all your heart, all people, all creation for it to return to you the love of all but many times stronger. There truly is only love. The rest is the creation of mankind when he forgets he is love.
Blessings Divine Ones